Sunday, October 29, 2017



杭州-新加坡; 从杭州萧山国际机场到新加坡樟宜国际机场,时间为18:00-23:00 (5小时),飞机为厦门航空MF841经济舱, 人民币1,599.00,新币为328元2角, (包括人民币568.00 机场税,新币为116元6角)。
我已安全到达新加坡了,感谢各位这30天里在Facebook给予我不停的点赞, 意见及帮助。有你们的陪伴,使我整个旅程增添了不少的情趣和意义,也让我不会感到旅程的艰苦和孤独。



- 完结篇 -

I had reached Singapore safely. many thanks for you continuous likes,comments and supports on Facebook. With these, you made my journey become more interesting and meaningful, I had a good time with your companies.

I need to apologize that I was not be able to write the whole stories on the Facebook in English due to my language capability and especially during the tough Journey. It is also my apology that if I had answered wrongly and over joked of your questions

I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you, and wish you to have a happy and pleasant journey in the near future too.

- The end -


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